September 25, 2022
Upcoming PTA Events
Mon., Sept. 26, 08:45: Monday Morning Networking - Healthcare in the Netherlands

Join us to learn about the healthcare system in the Netherlands. We will discuss medical, dental, and pharmaceutical options. After the presentation, we will relax and experience the health benefits of mindfulness with Berit, an ASH mom and mindfulness coach. Register now
Mon., Oct. 3, 08:45: Monday Morning Networking - Travel in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has an amazing variety of things to see and do. From bustling cities, breathtaking landscapes, age-old traditions, art, historical sites, and of course the tulip fields. Join Gera, our Dutch expert for not to miss travel tips within The Netherlands. Register now
Save the Date
Wed., Oct. 5, 9:00: PTA meeting, ABF, Room 3. Topics will be the many upcoming events between now and the spring and how people can get involved.
Sat., Nov. 19, 10:00-14:00: Winter Bazaar
Past PTA Events
Did you miss the Sept. 7 PTA meeting? The presentation is now available online.
Pumpkin Sale!

Get into the spirit of the season with a pumpkin for your doorstep. The PTA takes all the hassle out of your Dutch pumpkin search, by selling them directly to you. Pumpkins are available for sale online through the Spirit Wear store. Pick-up will be on Oct. 1, and only those pumpkins purchased from the PTA are eligible for the jack-o-lantern contest at Trunk-or-Treat.
Candy Donations

Help support the ASH Trunk-or-Treat by donating candy at one of the drop-off bins at the entrance of ECC, upper elementary, or the main school lobby. Donations will be accepted until October 7.
Trunk or Treat

Spots are filling up fast, don't miss out on the chance to decorate your vehicle for the ASH Trunk-or-Treat, Sat., Oct. 15. Children will walk around, admiring your decorations and collecting candy. The PTA will provide you with candy as needed, but of course, families may bring their own candy and non-candy treats as they wish. Sign-up now

Trunk or Treat Wristbands

Experience all the fun of an American Halloween trick-or-treating experience in the ASH parking lot. Wristbands for Trunk-or-Treat will go on sale this week. Keep an eye on our social media pages for more details. Facebook, Instagram
PTA Updates
Battle Bots Club

The PTA is excited to be helping the school start up a new battle bot club, through the ASH (CTA). The ASH (CTA) is a way that the PTA uses the funds it raises to provide monetary support for the school. Any staff member, parent, or student may make a funding request.
We Need Volunteers

The ASH Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a non-profit, parent-led 100% volunteer organization, serving parents, students, and teachers. We need your time and talents. There is something for everyone including short- and long-term opportunities. Sign up now.
Opportunity spotlight - International Parent Ambassadors (IPA) Program. This is a great opportunity for families who want to connect with others from their home country.
International Festival Logo Contest

The ASH International Festival will be held Sat., March 25, 2023, and we need your help creating the logo, showcasing the theme "Cultures and Colors." Logo ideas can be presented as a rough sketch in any picture format. Ideas should be submitted to no later than Mon., Dec. 5.
Community Events
Adult Volleyball League

Calling all volleyball enthusiasts! Join them on Monday nights from 18:15-20:00 at the ASH sports hall! They will play every Monday when there is school (no holidays or days off). ASH parents and staff are welcome! Questions? Email
MS Article Club
The Counselling team is organizing an Article Club for ASH parents where they will review and discuss together articles related to parenthood. The first meeting will be on Oct. 7.

What to Do on the Weekend?
De Tulperij is not just for tulips. Starting in mid-Aug., the farm is home to more than 600 varieties of dahlias. The show garden is open Tues. - Sun., until Oct. 2. After touring the show gardens, why not head to the picking garden? The employees at the greenhouse can give you a bucket and scissors, and explain how and which dahlias you can pick. The picking garden is open Tues. - Sun., until Oct. 16.

Do you have a favorite activity that you want to recommend to others? Send us an email with the details and you may see it featured in an upcoming issue of the PTA Update.