October 9, 2022
Upcoming PTA Events
Mon., Oct. 10, 08:45: Monday Morning Networking - Distinctively Dutch

Where do the happiest moms (and dads) in the world live? You guessed it, the Netherlands. Come join Ms. Gera, our Dutch expert from ASH, who will help us learn more about the Dutch culture, social etiquette, and traditions that help to make them so content. Register now
Mon., Oct. 17, 08:45: Monday Morning Networking - Safety and Security

Please join us for an important presentation by guest speakers from the Wassenaar Police Department about how to safeguard your home as well as practical tips to be aware of in your day-to-day life in your new country. Register now
Save the Date
Sat., Nov. 19, 10:00-14:00: Winter Bazaar
Trunk or Treat

Thanks for your generous donations of candy for our Trunk-or-Treat, Sat., Oct. 15. We still have a few car spots left for interested families. Sign-up now
Trunk-or-Treat Wristbands

Experience all the fun of an American Halloween trick-or-treating experience in the ASH parking lot. Wristbands for Trunk-or-Treat will be available for purchase online until Wed., Oct. 13, 18:00. Each child attending will require a wristband. Those purchased online will be delivered to your oldest child on Fri., Oct. 14. Wristbands will also be available for purchase at the event for €7.

Pumpkin Carving Contest
Did you purchase a pumpkin through our pumpkin sale? If so, bring your carved masterpiece to the ASH Main Campus parking lots on Sat., Oct. 15 at 16:45. Your pumpkin will be photographed, numbered, and provided with a voting box. (Battery tealight will be provided) Winners will be announced on Mon., Oct. 17.
PTA Updates

International Festival
Preparations for the International Festival, to be held in March, are already in full swing! The theme for this year's festival is "Culture and Colors" and will be the first in-person festival in three years, full of pride, exploration, food, music, dancing, and games! The International Committee is looking for volunteers leading up to the event, to help coordinate various activities, individual country displays/presentations, community involvement, etc. If you would like to help, please sign up here. There will be an International Festival planning meeting on Fri., Oct. 14 at 09:00, ABF Room 3.
International Festival Logo Contest

The ASH International Festival will be held Sat., March 25, 2023, and we need your help creating the logo, showcasing the theme "Cultures and Colors." Logo ideas can be presented as a rough sketch in any picture format. Ideas should be submitted to ptointfestival@ash.nl no later than Mon., Dec. 5.
Past PTA Events
Did you miss a meeting or presentation? You can find handouts and presentations on the ASH PTA website.

Oct. 3 - Monday Morning Networking - Travel in the Netherlands?
Oct. 5 - PTA General Meeting

Oct. 5 - World Teacher's Day
The PTA was glad to recognize our teachers and staff with a sweet treat of poffertjes from the PofferChickies food truck! Thank you, American School of The Hague teachers and staff, for all you do.
Community Events
Adult Volleyball League

Calling all volleyball enthusiasts! Join them on Monday nights from 18:15-20:00 at the ASH sports hall! They will play every Monday when there is school (no holidays or days off). ASH parents and staff are welcome! Questions? Email bonnieblakeney@gmail.com.

Dutch for Expats® (Absolute Beginners) - Level 1
This seven-week course is meant for students with no knowledge of Dutch. Students will work with the course book "Totaal," an elementary course for foreigners with a higher education background. The objective of the program is to acquire a good knowledge of everyday Dutch. The emphasis of the lessons will be on speaking and on listening skills. This course will bring you from level A0 to A1 (Common European Framework). Classes will be Wed. 09:00-11:00, beginning Nov. 2. For more information, contact Cynthia Mulder, www.dutchforexpats.com or by phone