January 15, 2023
Upcoming PTA Events

Mon. Jan. 16, 09:00-11:00: Monday Morning Networking Welcome Back Coffee and 2023 Event Update. Let's get together for coffee and catch-up. Come share your holiday adventures over coffee and hear about all that's happening with MMN in 2023. Starting with Fitness Week (Jan 22-29) You are only 1 workout away from a good mood. Can't wait to see you! RSVP now.

Wed. Jan. 18, 09:00-10:00: PTA General Meeting. Join us for our next PTA General Meeting. We will provide a PTA update, committee updates on upcoming events including the talent show, international festival and spring bazaar, fundraising ideas end of year event ideas, and volunteer opportunities. We hope to see you there. RSVP now
MMN Fitness Week 2023
Keep those new year's resolutions going with Fitness Week 2023! Check out the various free fitness classes offered. You are only one workout away from a good mood. Registration is required but spaces are limited.

Mon. Jan. 23, 11:30 – BODY SHAPE, Aerofit Health Club. Come join us for a FREE total body workout. This fun energetic class includes muscle strengthening and cardio exercises for the whole body. All levels are welcome. Guests are welcome to arrive at 11 am for a coffee and tour. RSVP

Tues. Jan. 24, 09:00 – RUNNING WASSENAAR. RUNNING WASSENAAR is a ladies social running group. The member-led group was created to find running partners and make friends in Wassenaar. Join them for a relaxed 5k through the beautiful De Paauw park. All paces and experience levels are welcome. RSVP

Tues. Jan. 24, 13:00 – ART OF BALANCE YOGALATES (Class is full). Come join a free Yogalates class. This exercise is a brilliant combination of the gentle stretch of yoga and the core-building strength of Pilates, yogalates is quite simply the perfect East meets West fitness answer for just about everyone.

Wed. Jan. 25, 08:50 – ZUMBA. Looking for a fun cardio workout, with good Latin/ International music to fuel up with high positive energy without noticing you are exercising? Then, come try a free Zumba class and check out the good vibes community. All levels are welcome. RSVP

Thu. Jan. 26, 11:00 – POINTEWORKS BALLET CLASS (for adults). Come and try out a free ballet class. Taking up ballet classes as an adult is a great choice if you are looking for a way to improve your posture, flexibility, tone your muscles and gain the poise and elegance of a ballerina. RSVP

Fri. Jan. 27, 09:00 – Beach and Dunes Workout. This is an amazing opportunity to exercise with your friends at the beach. This unique fitness class combines running and strength exercises while taking you through the dunes and onto the beach where you can plank to an ocean view. Rain or shine it's always beautiful. RSVP

Fri. Jan. 27, 09:30 – ZUMBA TONING in The Hague. This class combines body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio workout to Latin/International music. With lightweight dumbbells, you will tone all target zones: arms, abs, and thighs. All levels are welcome. Free parking. RSVP

Sat. Jan. 28, 09:30 – YOGA. Get your zen on with Roza for a free introductory Iyengar yoga class. This class focuses on the art of structural alignment and posture precision using props to help people of all levels enter a pose. RSVP Contact Roza for event address and registration. rozamauritz@hotmail.com or 06 42 635 252.

Sun. Jan. 29 – BACK IN SHAPE - Fit Start 2023. Do you want to start 2023 with a program that teaches you how to form healthy habits? Then join the 4 Week FIT GROUP CHALLENGE. This challenge offers 4 weeks of personalized meal plans, weekly check-in with Q&A and daily nutrition & lifestyle tips. RSVP for more info.
Parent-Staff Talent Show Sign-Ups

Can you sing? Play an instrument? Juggle? Act silly in a sketch? Do magic tricks? Anything that can be shown on stage? Now is your time to shine. Solo, duet, and ensemble acts are welcome. Students can accompany, but adults must be the stars. Sign up now! The deadline to sign up is Jan. 27. For questions or other information Email José Beltrán.
International Festival

Help us make the 2023 ASH International Festival a success. The event will be held on March 25, 2023, and many volunteers are needed to help make it happen. Sign up here to help. There are opportunities to help before, during, or after the event. If you have questions, email ptointfestival@ash.nl.
Volunteer Needed

The PTA needs a volunteer to help with meeting invitations, writing agendas, and taking minutes at general meetings. Can you help? Email PTA President Frances Joseph at ptopres@ash.nl with questions or to volunteer.
Community Events

Yoga Classes
Juli Skyum is offering mixed-level yoga classes Wednesdays from 20:00-21:00 (Voorschoten) and Fridays from 09:00-10:00 (Wassenaar). With more than a decade of experience spanning Asia, the U.S., and Europe, her classes are alignment-based Hatha and Flow style. You will stretch, strengthen, balance, and flow guided by your breath, including modifications as needed to keep you safe and options to challenge yourself. For questions or to register go to www.momoyoga.com/juliskyoga. During the month of January, you can purchase three private sessions at the discounted price of €150, contact Julie directly for details.

Dutch for Expats Absolute Beginners: This ten-week course is meant for students without knowledge of Dutch. Students will work with the course book "Totaal," an elementary class for foreigners with a higher education background. This course will bring you from level A0 to A1 (Common European Framework). Classes will be Thurs., 09:00-11:00, beginning Jan. 19.
For more information, contact Cynthia Mulder, at www.dutchforexpats.com, or by email at info@dutchforexpats.com.