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The PTO Update


Welcome Back everyone! We hope you all have had a restorative summer break. While we are facing some of the same pandemic related challenges as last year, our focus is on doing what we can, where and how we can while having as much fun as possible. If you are new to ASH a special Welcome to you! You are coming at an unusual time (which is no surprise to you, we are sure!), but we hope you are able to settle in as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Parent Ambassador, join in a Monday Morning Networking meeting or just email us directly. We are happy to help. A new school year is always an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings so we are wishing all ASH families the best start possible.


Looking Ahead

August 18th: K-12 First Day of School August 19th: Pre-K First 1/2 Day August 23rd: First Monday Morning Networking Virtual Meeting August 25th: Deadline to Respond to ASH Communications Team Survey August 26th: Early Childhood Center/Upper Elementary Back to School Night August 26th: New High School Parent Virtual Coffee


ASH Is Back In Action We know you all must be eager to get those kids back in the classroom, so keep these important dates and times highlighted on your calendars, and don't forget to set those

alarm clocks! The first day of school for everyone except Pre-K is Wednesday, August 18 at 8:30 am. Normally, the school day will end at 3:30 pm for grades 3 and up, and 3:15 pm for the ECC, but to keep you on your toes, don't forget that the first day is a Wednesday, which is Early Dismissal! That means that the first day, and ALL Wednesdays, the Main Campus finishes at 2:40 and the ECC finishes at 2:30. It is also important to notice that the ECC has changed its start time from last year. They now begin at 8:30 instead of 8:45. Pre-K parents: your little ones will have what is called a slow start. The first day of school for Pre-K is Thursday, August 19, and it is a Half Day (8:30-11:45 am). The next day, Friday, is again a Half Day for Pre-K (8:30-11:45 am). Their first full day of school will be Monday, the 23rd, with pick-up at 3:15. And don't worry, in less than a month it will be getting dark by bedtime!


Current Covid Response Guidelines As the year rolls on, life gets more and more normal--sometimes in baby steps, sometimes one step forward, two steps back. At least you're all used to regularly occurring upheaval by now, so you know that the rules can change. Be sure to watch your emails for Dr. Lowe's updates (find the most current updates here) from The Director's Desk. See these handy flow charts and some of the most frequently asked questions about Covid safety at ASH here.


Hot Lunch Will Continue

Middle and High-schoolers will be able to purchase hot lunch from the buffet, with limitations to avoid crowding. For elementary parents, the lunch ordering process from last year will continue. You will use the online form to choose the hot lunch and/or various cold food items. You can find the hot lunch menu in the Parent Portal. Keep your antennae out for any updates. Of course, all are welcome to bring a healthy lunch and snacks from home!


Monday Morning Networking Welcomes New Families to ASH

Are you new to ASH and/or The Netherlands? Feeling a little unsettled as you try to navigate your new home? Join our Virtual Monday Morning Networking meeting. MMN is a committee made up

of ASH parents who share their gained knowledge of the Netherlands, ASH and the surrounding community to help families get settled in to their new home. Monday, August 23rd at 9:30am we will have our first meeting of the year. Due to the current Covid guidelines we are unable to meet in person on campus, so you can join us virtually from the comfort of your own home. In this meeting we will introduce you to the committee, review some important information for getting starting in The Netherlands/at ASH (including a brief demo of the ASH Parent Portal) and answer any questions you may have. You can join us here on Monday, or find the link on our calendar. We look forward to meeting you!


The ASH Communications Team Would Love to Hear From You! How do you you prefer to receive your news and what what type of news are you most interested in? The ASH Communications team has created this survey as a way for us to share our thoughts. This is our opportunity to help them cater more optimally to our weekly news and information needs. The survey takes just 1 minute, is anonymous, and closes at midnight on August 25.


Early Childhood Center and Upper Elementary Host Virtual Back to School Night Back to School Night is a chance for ECC/UE faculty and staff to introduce themselves and share their vision for a a successful school year. On Thursday, August 26th ECC families will meet from 5-6 pm, while Upper Elementary will meet from 6-7 pm. Please keep an eye on your email and Portal announcements for further details and log in information.


New High School Parents meet up for Virtual Coffee

It's no surprise that it's not always easy to feel "in the loop" with high school age students. ASH High School Parents regularly have coffee meet-ups throughout the year to share important information about what's going on. August 26th there will be a New High School Parent Virtual Coffee specifically for parents of new high schools students. Please watch your emails and parent chats for further details.


Photo/graphic courtesy: Wix, Pixabay

The Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit, volunteer, self-funding entity whose mission is to enhance the ASH experience for students and their families. The primary goal is to provide aid and support for existing school initiatives, as well as additional resources for new programs and projects in three main areas of concentration: welcoming families, supporting curriculum and student/teacher development through Friends of ASH committees, and organizing special events and activities that help raise funds for PTO. As a self-sustaining, multicultural, educational-support organization, the PTO considers every ASH parent a valuable partner with talents, skills, and knowledge to contribute.

Copyright © 2020, American School of The Hague PTO. All rights reserved.



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


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