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The PTO Update


August 29, 2021


Looking Ahead

August 30th- MMN Driving & Biking in The Netherlands Virtual Meeting August 30th- Lunch with MMN August 31st- Walk and Talk with PTO

September 2nd- Middle School Open House

September 6th- MMN Healthcare in The Netherlands Virtual Meeting September 6th to September 9th- Middle School Project Week September 8th- PTO Meeting ABF Fall Baseball Sign-ups Girl Scouts of The Hague Weekend in The Hague


Monday Morning Networking: Driving & Biking in The Netherlands

Learning to navigate in a new country can be a daunting task. MMN is here to help take some of the fear out of it. Join us on Monday August 30th at 9:30am for a chat about driving and biking in the Netherlands. We'll discuss basic rules and safety measures along with options for public transport. We aren't certified driving instructors, but are sharing our gained knowledge (including how to find a certified driving instructor) to help you get around safely. You can join the meeting here. We look forward to seeing you!


Meet up for Lunch with Monday Morning Networking

After working up an appetite learning all about Driving and Biking in the Netherlands join us for Lunch at the Strandpaviljoen Sports at Wassenaar Beach, Monday August 30th at 11:30am. It will be a great opportunity for us to meet up and chat in person. The restaurants Covid-19 regulations will be followed and due to limited space RSVPs are required. You can sign up here. We hope to see you there!


Walk and Talk with the PTO

Join us Tuesday, August 31st at 9:30 - 10:30 in front of Raadhuis De Paauw in Wassenaar for a casual walk in the park. As we stroll through the beautiful De Paauw park we'll learn a few things, meet new people and enjoy the fresh air. Kids and dogs are welcome and we hope to see you there! If you are feeling ill please join us for the next walk. Social distancing rules still apply. You can RSVP here.


Hear from Middle School Leadership at Middle School Open House

ASH Middle School is excited to welcome parents to the MS Open House on September 2 beginning at 6:00pm (18:00). Please mark your calendars. They will use a real-time model this year, posting Google Meets links to each of your child's classes on the PowerSchool Learning class pages. The schedule for the evening and directions for participation will be shared from the MS Office on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. They are asking all parents to join via their students' PSL account. This will allow parents to move in and out of Google Meets seamlessly. They are looking forward to sharing with you an introduction to your child's classes. Please ask your child to join you!


Monday Morning Networking: Healthcare in The Netherlands

Moving country during a Pandemic isn't for the faint of heart, and navigating a foreign healthcare system can be bewildering. Join MMN Monday, September 6th, at 9:30am for a chat about the Healthcare options available to you in the Netherlands. We'll talk about finding a huisarts (family/house doctor) and share tips we've learned navigating the healthcare system. Hopefully, you'll leave the meeting feeling much informed about your options here in The Netherlands. You can join the meeting here. We look forward to seeing you!


ASH Middle School Kicks Off Project Week

Starting Monday, September 6th to Thursday, September 9th, ASH Middle School Students participate in Project Week. Project week consists of several days of fun personal and interpersonal activities. These experiences are designed to cultivate independence and resilience while encouraging the growth of both existing and new relationships. Activities vary by grade level so check your grade level emails for more details. There is No School September 10th, for Middle School Students only.


The PTO Holds First Virtual Meeting of 2021/22 School Year

Join PTO leadership in their first open meeting of the 2021/22 school year on Wednesday, September 8th at 9am. This is a great opportunity to meet the current PTO Board Members, learn what we do, and share your thoughts about upcoming events. At this meeting, we will specifically be discussing upcoming activities for Teacher Appreciation, and Halloween. You can join the meeting here.


ABF Is Enrolling For Fall Sports

Welcome Back or Welcome Here from ABF Sports Club. Are you ready to play some little league baseball? The 2nd half of the 2021 season is starting now. There are openings on multiple teams for the Sept-Oct. season of roughly 8 games depending on your team. Sign up today online with the discount code FALLBB via .TeeBall/Rookies* ages 5&6, 3 openings.Coach Pitch/Majors ages 7-9, 2 openings Kid Pitch (PH2)* ages 10&11, 5 openings Kid Pitch (PH1) ages 12&13, 2 openings * This team is looking for an additional parent coach as well. Practices one afternoon per week. Games on weekends.


Girl Scouts of The Hauge

Girl Scouts is a place where girls practice different skills, explore their potential, take on leadership positions—and even feel allowed to fail, dust herself off, get up, and try again. Sisterhood is formed through a variety of STEM, outdoor, life skills and entrepreneurship activities. The deadline for registering is October 1st, so there is plenty of time if your child is interested. If you'd like information about joining Girl Scouts of The Hague email Jeanne at


Weekend In The City August is ending, and here in the Netherlands, the summer weather goes with it. But it’s not time to snuggle indoors just yet! Get on your sweater and go for a stroll in the city. And the perfect accompaniment to a crisp autumn stroll? An outdoor market!

This Saturday, 11am-6pm, and most weekends throughout the season, enjoy Le Marie Marché, a specialty market where tempting treats and pleasing products await your indulgence. This weekend you will find it on the Lange Voorhout, the stunning tree-lined promenade in front of the Escher Museum. Go get yourself a little reward for enduring the back-to-school chaos. Other weekends the market pops up on Het Plein or Frederik Hendriklaan (the Fred), so there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy it.

To round out your afternoon, once you’ve finished your warme chocolademelk, pop into Escher in Het Paleis for some brain-tickling. This tiny but eye-opening museum sits in a lovely little converted royal home, and is dedicated to one of the Netherlands’ most spectacular native artists: M.C. Escher. Think infinite staircases, wood-cuttings, and optical-illusion patterns. You won’t be disappointed!


Photo/graphic courtesy: Wix, Pixabay

The Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit, volunteer, self-funding entity whose mission is to enhance the ASH experience for students and their families. The primary goal is to provide aid and support for existing school initiatives, as well as additional resources for new programs and projects in three main areas of concentration: welcoming families, supporting curriculum and student/teacher development through Friends of ASH committees, and organizing special events and activities that help raise funds for PTO. As a self-sustaining, multicultural, educational-support organization, the PTO considers every ASH parent a valuable partner with talents, skills, and knowledge to contribute.

Copyright © 2020, American School of The Hague PTO. All rights reserved.



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


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