August 28th, 2022
Upcoming PTO Events
Mon., Aug. 29th, 8:45: Monday Morning Networking-Driving, Biking, and Public Transport

If you're a Netherlands newcomer, what you may fear the most may be getting into traffic in your car or on your bike. But you WILL be able to do it! And let us help you gain that confidence through our fun and informative presentation all about the rules of the road. We'll teach you about signs, lanes, roundabouts, speeding tickets and more! See you there!
Mon., Sep. 5th, 8:45: Monday Morning Networking-Cooking, Shopping, and Recycling

Feeling bewildered at the grocery store? Can't find your favorite foods from home? Let us guide you through new and delicious ways to feed your family. We'll also introduce those untranslatable cleaning products, and tell you all the strange things you should keep in your home. Plus we'll make sure you're on track with recycling in this environmentally-forward nation!
Wed., Sep. 7th, 9:00: First General PTO Meeting
We are planning a full year of amazing activities and events. We also need your help to make them happen. We can't do any of it without you! Come find out who we are and what we hope to do in the coming months. We'll be meeting at the ABF (in the same room as MMN). All ASH parents are welcome!
Volunteer Needed: Social Media Manager
Are you someone who enjoys posting on social media? Can you make creative and colorful posts? We are looking for a volunteer to manage the PTO Instagram and Facebook accounts. For a few minutes a few times week, we ask you to promote our upcoming events (just like in this newsletter), share photos taken by the PTO team, and advertise our ongoing programs. If this sounds like something you could do, please email: ptosec@ash.nl.

Community Events
Tue., Aug. 30th, 7pm: Cub Scouts Virtual Open House
If you have a girl or boy in Kindergarten through 5th grade, now is the chance to give them an extra-memorable year. With BSA Cub Scout Pack 140, you and your children will go fishing and camping, participate in the pinewood derby, and learn countless life skills! Learn all the details at the Virtual Open House.

Fridays, 4-5 pm: Tee-ball Lessons with ABF

Tee-ball is a great way to introduce your 5- or 6-year old to baseball in a no-pressure, friendly environment. Your little one will have weekly lessons (but no games in the Fall season), and if they wish to continue, will have the chance to play against local teams in the Spring season. Sign up today at www.abfsport.nl. Lessons will be held at the ABF field next to Main Campus, starting this Friday, Sep. 2.
Wed., Sep. 14th, 8:45, FREE TRIAL Zumba Class
If you are looking for fun cardio fitness to Latin music, come join Veronica Barbon, an ASH mom, at a new ZUMBA️ class she is holding at Pointeworks Dance School, Kerkstraat 75 in Wassenaar. Your first free trial lesson begins right after drop-off on September 14. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience needed! Check out the website for more details at https://www.zumba.com/en-US/profile/veronica-barbon/82857 or her Facebook page MOVEZ. For questions, email veronica.barbon@icloud.com.

Yoga for Adults and Children with Roza

Roza is an ASH parent and a certified Iyengar yoga teacher. She invites you to experience the benefits of yoga: better posture, better breathing, better concentration, and more. She offers separate lessons for adults or children at her private studio in Wassenaar. For more information, call or text 06-42635252, or email rozamauritz@hotmail.com.
What to Do on the Weekend?
Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp)
This is simply a wonderful zoo. It is large for a Netherlands zoo, and quite brilliantly designed so that visitors can view animals from numerous different points, giving the animals notably spacious enclosures. There is a wide variety of species too, from polar bears to panthers, plus an indoor rainforest and a full-sized aquarium! Now is the time to be outside, so plan on spending a whole day here! Don't forget to leave time for the playground! Buy tickets online at https://www.diergaardeblijdorp.nl/en/.
