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The PTO Update - April 3, 2023


April 3, 2023

The PTO Update will be taking a break next week. We hope you have a wonderful spring break.

Upcoming PTA Events

Mon. April 17, 09:00-11:00: Meijendel Coffee and Walking Tour Let's meet at Boerderij Meyendel for coffee and snacks, located in the beautiful Meijendel nature reserve. Afterward, join us for a walk and talk where we will discover the forest and the high dunes. The variety in the nature area makes every visit an adventure. Register now.

Wed. April 19, 08:45-9:45: PTO General Meeting Please join us for the next General PTO Meeting! For more details.

Mon. April 24, 09:45-12:00: Keukenhof Guided Tour of the Tulip Fields Let's celebrate spring with a guided tour of the most famous flower gardens in the world! Keukenhof is a breathtaking garden showing off the Netherlands’ greatest treasure - the tulip. Limited Spaces, register now.

Spirit Wear Updates

The Spirit Wear Store has been restocked, with additional merchandise being added this week. We also have some new markdowns, so check out our online store for our full selection.

Do you have 1 hour free? We can use your help in the Spirit Wear Store. We are open Tuesday afternoons from 15:15-16:00 at the main campus. If that doesn't fit your schedule, we can use your help for the Spring Bazaar. Sign up here to help.

Contributions to ASH Applications

Contributions to ASH (CTA) are a way for the PTO to use funds raised by events and sales to provide monetary support for educational and extra-curricular programs. CTA is intended for programs, equipment, and other purchases that will have a long-term or lasting impact on the school and our children. We are especially looking to support initiatives that are environmentally sustainable and impact the highest numbers of students.

All ASH faculty, staff, parents, and students are eligible to submit CTA applications. The deadline for the Spring 2023 CTA applications is Sunday, May 14. Click here to access the application. For questions, please contact Frances Joseph.


Join the American School of The Hague counseling team on April 18, 15:45-16:45 for a workshop discussing how to be an ally. This workshop is open to ASH staff, parents, and students. RSVP your attendance or get more information by scanning the QR code.

Community Events

Playball/Playsports: The aim of Playball is to introduce young children to constructive and enjoyable sports participation through various age-appropriate programs. All the programs have a "multi-activity" approach, ensuring a competent foundation in all the popular sports played at school. Sign up, or for more information.

Classes will be held on Wednesdays, starting after spring break.

  • PK-4 - Grade 1, 14:30-15:30 ECC gym

  • Playsport Basketball Grades 2 - 4, 14:45-15:45 UE Gym

ABF Baseball would love to have a few more players join the U12 team (it's for ages 9 and up). Practice is on Wednesdays from 17:30-18:30. It will be a lot of fun! For more information.

The Little Bookshop Drama Club: Hazel (of Saturday Story Time fame!) from Next Stage Coaching will once again be running her popular drama-for-mindfulness classes - on April 22, 29, and May 6, 13. Each four-week session is €110 per child.

Mini-lights – aged 6-8 years on 01/04/2023

Saturday 09:00 – 10:00

Spotlights – aged 9-11 years on 01/04/2023 (*This group is for primary school children only)

Saturday 10:00 – 11:00

Places are limited! To reserve your little dramatist a place, or for additional info, please email Hazel.



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


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