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The PTO Update - April 7, 2024

April 7, 2024
Upcoming PTO Events

Mon. April 8, 2024, 08:45 – 11:00, Welcome Back from Spring Break Coffee – Welcome back. Please join us at the ABF for a coffee/tea and catch-up. RSVP now so we can get an accurate headcount.


Tues. April 9, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30, Oranjehotel Tour – The Oranjehotel was the nickname for the Scheveningen prison during the Second World War. Here, the Germans detained more than 25,000 people for interrogation and prosecution. Come and visit this historical Nazi prison, hear the stories and feel what it was like to be imprisoned during that time. The facility functioned as an actual prison until 2009, it only opened to the public in 2019. Tickets are €12.50 per person. Reserve yours now.

Mon. April 15, 2024, 09:00 – 11:00, Spring Wreath Making Workshop – Spring is the most beautiful time of the year in the Netherlands. After the grey winter days, perk up your house with a beautiful spring wreath. Boeketterie Wassenaar will be there to help guide us. The workshop will be held downstairs at the ABF so that we have more space to work. The €35 fee includes materials, coffee/tea, and sweets. RSVP now. Registration closes on April 8.

RESCHEDULED – Thurs. April 25, 2024, 11:00 – 13:30, Living Abroad: Empowering Expat Partners – Where you go, I go? Tips for the relocating "trailing spouse." A workshop for the unique needs and challenges faced by the accompanying partners of expats while living abroad. Vivian Chiona from ExpatNest will focus on tips, tools, and strategies to rediscover your identity and feel happier and more empowered. RVSP now.

International Festival - Sat. April 20, 12:00 - 15:00

Calling all performers! Any ASH community member can sign up to perform at the International Festival! Students, parents, and staff are all welcome. If you are interested in participating, contact

There are just two committee meetings left before the big event. Join us on Tuesday, April 9, at 09:00 and Tuesday, April 16, at 09:00 in Room 1.19 MS Meeting Room (main campus).

International Festival raffle tickets go on sale tomorrow. One ticket for €5 or five tickets for €20. The more you buy, the more chances to win. Links to purchase ticekts will be shared in WhatsApp classroom groups!

DIRECTIONS - Use the QR code or Tikkie link to make your purchase. You MUST email with a screenshot of your purchase, then you will be emailed your assigned numbers. No physical ticket will be given.

Watch our Facebook page and Instagram account for a preview of the 30+ country baskets plus prizes from local vendors. All proceed benefit the PTO and help to fund exciting events.

Spirit Wear Updates

Time is running out! Don't wait much longer if you have been waiting to get your ASH70 merchandise. It will only be available for order until the end of April, when it will go back into the vault forever.

Middle School Article Club

Please join the Middle School counselors for our next Article Club on Thurs. April 11, in the NEST. We will discuss Talking to Your Kids About Race. You can find the two articles we will discuss here: Article #1 & Article #2.

After School Activities

Community Events



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


© 2019 American School of the Hague PTO |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy

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