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The PTO Update - November 26, 2023


November 26, 2023
Upcoming PTO Events

Mon. Nov. 27, 08:45 – 11:00: Understanding our TCKs (Third Culture Kids) - Did you know that children living abroad outside of their own culture for a significant amount of time, are known as TCKs (Third Culture Kids)? This global cultural experience will shape them differently than if they had stayed “at home.” Kate Berger, a child psychologist from Expat Kids Club, will be sharing her insights about TCKs, helping us understand their uniqueness, challenges, and incredible joys/ She will give us tips on how to support them as parents. RSVP now

Mon. Dec. 4, 08:45 – 11:00: Holiday Wreath-Making Workshop - Get into the holiday spirit and join us for MMN’s ever-popular wreath-making workshop. Our friends at Boeketterie Wassenaar will help us make a beautiful wreath that you can hang on your door. The workshop will be held downstairs at the ABF so that we have more space to work. The €35 fee includes materials, coffee/tea, and sweets. Registration closes MONDAY (tomorrow, Nov. 27), after that date no refunds are possible. We look forward to seeing you. RSVP now

International Festival

This year's theme is "My Home, My Earth" and the organizing committee is looking for logo ideas from school staff, students, and parents. Logos must reflect the theme and can be submitted as a rough sketch or in any picture format. Submissions are due to by Jan. 14, 2024. The International Festival Committee will vote, and the winning logo will be used in all event promotions and the designer will receive a prize with their logo printed on it.

The International Festival Committee is also looking for volunteers to fill roles big and small. To find out more about what help is needed, email The next committee meeting is on Dec. 5, at 09:00.

Sustainability Corner

Real vs fake - which Christmas tree is better for you and for the environment? Artificial trees can contain harmful chemicals, have a larger carbon footprint, and are rarely recyclable. Real trees take in CO₂ and tree farms provide forest habitat that wildlife depends on to survive, but ask if the tree farm uses pesticides.

Some sustainable Christmas tree ideas:

  • Buy a Christmas tree with a sustainable label (EKO or MILIEUKEUR).

  • Buy/adopt a potted one that can be replanted afterward through Adopteer een Kerstboom or Duurzame Kerstbomen.

  • Buy a locally harvested Christmas tree (less transport emissions).

  • Grow your own Christmas tree in your backyard.

  • Put your tree to use after the Christmas season.



Community Events

The Cub Scouts are holding a toy drive seeking new or "like new" gifts for children in need, ages 0-18. Donations are being accepted until Mon. Nov. 27, at the ECC, as well as UE and Main entrances. Please - no wrapping, damaged/clearly used items, bicycles, war toys, or large (outdoor toys).



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


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