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The PTO Update - October 8, 2023


October 8, 2023

We hope everyone has an enjoyable Fall Break.

The PTO Update will be taking next week off too, returning on Oct. 22.

Upcoming PTO Events

Reminder for those attending Monday Morning Networking this week that road construction will impact your access to the ABF. The ABF entrance will be accessible only from Rijksstraatweg. The main campus bicycle entrance will remain accessible.

Mon. Oct. 9, 08:45 – 11:00:Living Abroad: This Mobile Life - Living abroad is much more than moving to another country: it is about feeling at home in a new place and thriving. In this week’s session, we will explore culture shock and the emotional toll that comes with it, providing tools, tips, and strategies to navigate its challenges so you and your family can feel good and thrive living abroad. This session is for everyone whether you consider yourself an ex-pat, a love pat, a repat, a global nomad, or an ATCK. RSVP now

Mon. Oct. 23, 08:45 - 11:00: Safety and Security in the Netherlands - Moving to a new country is exciting, however, it is also essential to learn how to stay safe in your new country. This is an important meeting featuring guest speakers from the Wassenaar Police Department who will focus on day-to-day security and provide practical tips to safeguard your home and valuables. RSVP now

Save the Date

Sat. Nov. 18, - 10:00 - 16:00: ASH Winter Bazaar - 70+ vendors, delicious treats, kids play area, open to the public.

Halloween Costume Swap

Thank you SO MUCH for all the costume donations we received last week. TOMORROW (Mon. Oct. 9) is the time to choose something "new." Swap stations will be in the ECC atrium from 08:00-09:00 and 15:00-15:30 and at the UE gate from 08:00-09:00 and 15:15-16:00. Please contact with questions.



OCTOBER 28 17:00-19:00 - Main Campus Wristbands are required for kids to enter. Purchase from the Spirit Wear Store by Oct. 22.

Pumpkins and Pumpkin Carving Kits SOLD OUT. Now our crafty pumpkin carving contestants will be thinking spooky thoughts as they plan their entries. Come to Trunk-or-Treat and vote for your favorite! Anyone with a wristband gets a token to vote in the Pumpkin Patch.

Candy-collecting monsters have scattered about the campus to collect yumminess for Trunk or Treat! These hungry monsters can be found at the entrances of the ECC and UE, as well as the main entrance, through Oct. 22. We would greatly appreciate donations of wrapped candy to fill their tummies!

Funky TRUNKS Contest! Give away spooky treats and trinkets from your creatively decorated car or bakfiets! The top three trunks win a PRIZE. SIGN UP HERE *Candy will be provided, along with free wristbands for participating families!

Trunk-or-Treat volunteers needed: Are you creative? A great organizer? Always dreamed of directing traffic? We have a variety of ways to get involved! We need help pulling it all together, so please review the available slots below and choose a role that suits you! Some opportunities are only for the night of Trunk-or-Treat, and others start many weeks prior, and may or may not actually be needed the night of. SIGN UP NOW!

FREE FACEPAINTING / TATTOOS sponsored by Silvias Feestwinkel

New Spirit Wear

Trojan hoodies have been restocked AND our first shipment of sweatpants has arrived. Both are perfect for snuggling up during these cooler fall days, and they are available for purchase online in the Spirt Wear store.

Community Events

Oct. 27: Frightnight - The Oostdorp neighborhood in Wassenaar is hosting its annual Frightnight. There will be a haunted monastery in the sports hall next to the big playground at Dr Mansveltkade. Afterward, children will be able to trick-or-treat through the neighborhood. Wristbands (kids only) are now for sale for €1 at Sylvia’s Feestwinkel, Langstraat 69. More information.



The American School of the Hague PTO is entirely self-funded for the benefit of the families and community of The American School of the Hague.

Address: Rijkstraatweg 200, Wassenaar


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